It has always been important for me to share my talent and love of art and people to help make lives better. I love working with children.Many times a little encouragement, teaching and supplies can make a great difference. I have worked with the Johnson County Arts Council for many years and do all I can to promote the arts. Hope you enjoy some of the following artistic endeavors.
Learning and helping my artist friend Cristy Dunn with some background work for her new mural
for the Johnson County Musical Heritage Mural Project. After browsing my site, click this image to visit You will love Cristy's work!
"God is Near" Painting for Johnson County Community Hospital Chapel. Video by Robert Sutherland featuring JCCHF/Art work
Cover art for Cooking the Books.
Art through the years.
Raising funds for the Arts with some of the finest musical artists, Clint Howard and Clarence.
Johnson County Arts Council Officer Installation.
Faye Bowman, dear friend and great artist, Linda Shekinah, Romayne St John and Sue Howard.
Truly "Making a Difference"